V torek, 3. oktobra 2023 ob 16:30 vas vabimo na brezplačno mesečno izobraževanje, ki ga bomo tokrat izvedli v živo, v M hotelu, Derčeva 4, v Šiški v Ljubljani, po predstavitvi pa vabimo tudi na druženje s prigrizki.
Zato na dogodek posebej vabimo člane študente in nove člane Slovenskega odseka ISACA, ki jim bomo izrekli dobrodošlico, predstavili del dejavnosti krovne organizacije, prednosti članstva pa tudi nekaj o zgodovini odseka.
Dogodek bo delno v angleščini. Joris Vredeling, bo predstavil aktualne teme iz ISACA, ISACA and ISACA Europe in 2024 and beyond (2 CPE).

O predavatelju/ About the lecturer:
Joris Vredeling, MA, is a Regional Chapter Advocate for ISACA in Europe. Joris is an experienced international project manager who has been working in different non-profit IT & Cybersecurity-associations for 15 years, including the ISACA Madrid Chapter, where he was the general coordinator for 10 years. Joris holds a master’s degree in European Policy. Among his key responsibilities at the forementioned associations, he has managed strategy and projects around marketing, communications, public, academic, and international relations, conferences, training programs and translations. In his current role at ISACA, he supports the European Chapters of ISACA in their operations, aligned with ISACA’s global and european strategies.